Students Surprised with Easter Baskets Before Leaving for Spring Break

N. Flagg, Newspaper Adviser

This is no April Fool’s Joke, but a good surprise nonetheless. Kelly Snyder, Christina Krone, and Alicia Frey (Mrs. Krone’s intern) organized Easter baskets to give out to all students at Gateway, Crossroads, and Flexible Student Support (FSS) students before leaving for Spring Break. Students were surprised at the end of fifth mod classes.

“We wanted to give the students a smile at the ends of their day,” Ms. Snyder said. Each basket was filled to the brim with goodies that ranged from peeps to full-size candy bars.

Ms. Snyder picked up 15 boxes of donated items from the Rescue Mission that included the baskets and the candy. Mr. Wargo helped unload the donations and bring them into the building, where Ms. Snyder, Mrs., Krone, and Ms. Frey got to work preparing the baskets for the students.

There were leftover baskets, so Mrs. Krone delivered them to students in the PRIDE program.

The entire purpose was to make sure that our students could kick off their spring weekend with a smile!