Good Deeds Surrounding the Covid-19 Vaccine

June 4, 2021
Last year and this year, no doubt, has been a challenging time for a lot of people, but it has given people time to grow.
Recently, there has been positivity surrounding the vaccine rollout throughout the country. In Fredericksburg, VA, doctor Rick Lewis plays his guitar for people in the recovery area after the people have received their vaccine. After he received his vaccination, he wanted to do something to make people happy and relaxed, so he decided to play music for them!
In New York City, after some frontline workers received their vaccine, they started mobile vaccination units. They travelled to the homeless people and to people who had a hard time leaving their homes and gave them the vaccine.
Another good deed happened in Springfield, Mass. Baystate Health, a non-profit health system, started a campaign to answer people’s questions and to keep them up to date with information. To keep people informed, they have also started doing virtual town hall meetings to teach people the differences between the vaccines and to answer other questions. With so much misinformation out there, that really is helpful to people who are trying to make the right decision for them.
There are three vaccines that have come out: Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson. The first two require two shots, whereas the Johnson & Johnson is only a single shot. Anyone from 12 years old and up can get the vaccine at a mass vaccination clinic, hospital, pharmacy, health department, and at some doctor’s offices and senior centers. To find the vaccines, each location or vaccination site should have an information link for people to be able to schedule an appointment. Some places even have walk-up spots available.
People between the ages 12 to 18, are currently only approved to receive the Pfizer, but for anyone 18 or older, they can choose to receive any of the available vaccines.
To locate more information on the Covid-19 vaccine, refer to the CDC website, your local health department, or a hospital’s website.