The Retirement of an Angel


Kaylin Rock

Ms. Cooper, our Special Education Resource Teacher, is retiring after 41 years as an educator at the end of this school year. She makes everyone happy and welcome and has given everyone amazing memories.

Gateway and Crossroads principal, Mr. Wetzel, has a few words to say about Ms. Cooper. “Since Ms. Cooper started working at Gateway in 2014, she has helped many students overcome challenges and make it across the finish line. One thing that stands out about her is that no matter what a student is acting like, she always says something positive, or nice, about that student. Her smile and positive attitude will always be remembered.”

Prior to working for Carroll County in 2012, she worked in Baltimore County for 30 years. While in retirement, she still plans to work, “I still plan to work with young people, to help them better themselves and become productive citizens and to be responsible.” She still plans to attend every graduation as well to see all these amazing students walk the stage.

While in retirement, Ms. Cooper wants to travel to different countries in Africa and go to France. She also wants to overcome her fear of heights and climb a not-so-tall mountain. She also wants to learn sign language, “to help individuals so they can have a stronger “voice” in today’s society.”

Ms. Cooper has had a beautiful experience with students and staff here at Gateway and Crossroads. She gave one final comment, “I have two of the best administrators and if I could give them a grade, I’d give them an A+.”

The staff and students will miss Ms. Cooper immensely and was considered by many to be “the saint of Gateway.”