Upon entering the main office, Ms. Barnard is one of the first faces you see. Her kind smile is immediately noticeable.
On the day of our interview, the office was very busy–phones ringing, the distant chatter of a meeting in the other room–but Ms. Barnard still made time for the interview, displaying her dedication to Gateway and its students.
“Ms. Barnard is a great fit for the office at Gateway. She works hard and enjoys meeting the staff and students every morning,” said Ms. Brady, the secretary who works next to Ms. Barnard.
The same dedication to her work extends to her four children and husband of 27 years. It is her family, she said, who motivates and inspires her.
In her free time, she enjoys doing work around her farm. Ms. Barnard and her family live on a farm which is home to cows, pigs, chickens, dogs, and kittens.
Prior to accepting the position of registrar at Gateway, Ms. Barnard worked as a personal financial advisor, but moved for better benefits and hours.
Gateway is fortunate to have someone with her dedication and kind nature. In Ms. Barnard’s words, “I love all the kids here and I love being part of this school.”