Happy PRIDE Month!


Nadya Lozano-Gray, Staff Reporter

There are many sexualities celebrated during June, also known as Pride Month, because they deserve to be recognized and supported. 

Pride Month has many different things that can help celebrate and support those in the community. There are many parades, festivals, and LGBTQ+ events. Some people, LGBTQ+ and allies alike, decorate their houses, paint their faces the color of their pride flag, or do other things to support it.  

Pride Month officially started in 1969 after the Stonewall Riots, a series of protests brought together by people of the LGBTQ+ community as a response to a police raid.  However, Pride Month as we celebrate it today was recognized in 1994–25 years after it was established.

It is important to continue celebrating Pride Month because of the growing population of people in the LGBTQ+ community who deserve to be supported. 

Many people at Gateway are LGBTQ+, and even the people who are not are still very supportive of their peers.

Be sure to show your support during Pride Month!