Why did Tigger stick his head in the toilet? He was looking for Pooh!
Many people use the bathroom, in fact, I would be very concerned if you didn’t. But do you know the proper way to wash your hands? Do you even wash your hands? Well, my friends, do I have the thing for you! Bathroom etiquette plays an important role in creating a happier, safer, and cleaner environment.
Germs are not only spread though hugging, holding hands, and kissing, but also from indirect contact like doorknobs, handles, and anything else you touch. I’m not saying you shouldn’t ever open a door without a glove on, but washing your hands is a very important step in not only keeping others safe, but yourself as well.
The proper way to do so would be washing your hands on a regular basis. The proper steps to getting clean hands is: Wet your hands with either warm or cold water then apply soap and lather your hands thoroughly for about 20 seconds. Sing “Happy Birthday,” which should take about 20 seconds, which is the perfect amount of time to get your hands clean. Rinse well until the soap is gone. Use a clean towel and dry your hands off.
It’s that easy. Make sure you wash each time you use the restroom to prevent the spread of nasty germs and fecal matter. Let’s keep poo where it belongs.